thin skin women's wig

Thin skin wigs are remy hair replacement wigs that are made to resemble human skin. The remy hair in thin skin wigs are less prone to shedding and once applied, the remy hair appears to be coming out of the scalp.

Base type: Full thin skin with front scolleped
Hair texture: straight hair
Hair color: #6
Hair density:130%
Hair length:18inch

We can put thin skin in any location on a remy lace wig.

The most popular location is around the edges, front hairline only, back hairline only, or an entire full thin skin cap.

We tend to recommend the full thin skin cap to clients who have aggressive hair loss or who may be completely bald.

The full thin skin caps can feel too hot if you have a lot of hair, so it's best for those who are bald.

Thin skin wigs are great for those who are bald, because once applied, they will lay snug on your head and have a sort of vacuum tight seal similar to a swimmers cap.

With any wig, the concern of most is will the wig feel secure?

With thin skin wigs they are highly preferred amongst those with hair loss because the thin skin material will form a tight suction that will be secure but not feel too tight or cause feelings of claustrophobia.